Thank you for that beautiful but heart wrenching story. I have owned cats, but they can be just as precious to their ‘parents’ as a dog can be. We live in Tehachapi, near a slope of Blue Oak Woodland, where Mountain Lions and other predators roam. So 8 years ago last December my sweet kitty Tigger wouldn’t come inside, and that evening a Lion decided to visit our neighborhood. We saw evidence that Tigger had been killed and taken away. He was SUCH a loving, gentle cat that I mourn him to this day. Yes, the best we can do is remember the wonderful times we had with our furry friends (as they are more than just pets), and keep protecting the planet we all are privileged to call our home. BTW, I didn’t have any resentment towards the Mountain Lion, nor ever want to destroy them or even keep them away from our house in the WUI. On the contrary, I hope our Tigger provided a good meal for that Lion and perhaps some cubs as well! Just thought I’d mention my loss, and express empathy in what you go through year after year.

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having been reading you for some time, and because i was reading you during *that* time, i am very grateful for the way you, then, and today, shared your broken heart. that story of the 2-headed, six-legged beastie-man has been an unforgettable inspiration. thanks to you and Zeke.

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That was a beautiful read.

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Zeke was an exceptionally good, smart, kind boy. I'm fortunate that my dog Buddy and I met him in person! Although, I'm having a bit of difficulty with how long ago that must have been.

You gave Zeke his best life, just as you do now for the pups who love you.


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